     (___)     \------- ( 3.2 )

Cartman: Bring out yer dead,..  bring out yer dead...

Devlpr:         Here' one...  (Python27)

Cartman: ... nine pence!

Python27:               I'm not dead!

Cartman: What?

Devlpr: Nothing, here's your nine pence.

Python27:               I'm not dead!

Cartman: There, he says he's not dead...

Devlpr: yes he is

Python27:               I'm not!

Cartman: He isn't?

Devlpr: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill...

Python27:               I'm getting better!

Devlpr: no yer not, you'll be stone dead in a moment...

Cartman: I can't take 'em like that, its against regulations!

Python27:               I don't want to go on the cart!

Devlpr: Oh, don't be such a baby...

Cartman: I can't take him.

Python27:               I feel fine!

Devlpr: oh, do us a favor, 'ey?

Cartman: I can't.

Devlpr: ah, can you hang around for a couple of minutes,
        it won't take long?

Cartman: I've got to get to Robinson's, they've lost nine today.

Devlpr: Well, when's your next round then?

Cartman: Thursday.

Python27:               I think I'll go for a walk !

Devlpr: You're not fooling anyone ya know...(!)

Devlpr: Look, isn't there anything you can do?

Python27:               I feel happy!  I feel happy!    :)

Cartman: Club( Python27 ).__whack__

Devlpr: Oh thank you very much !

Cartman: Not at all,

Devlpr: see ya Thursday?!

Cartman: Right.

        Horse(virtual).__clomping__     {Guido?}

Devlpr: who's that then...

Cartman: I don't know.

Devlpr: ... must be a king!

Cartman: Why?

Devlpr: ... hasn't got shitul-over'em.

     (___)     \------- ( 3.2 )


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