"Elliot Temple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> How do I make Python press a button on a webpage?  I looked at
> urllib, but I only see how to open a URL with that.  I searched
> google but no luck.
> For example, google has a button   <input type=submit value="Google
> Search" name=btnG>  how would i make a script to press that button?
> Just for fun, is there any way to do the equivalent of typing into a
> text field like the google search field before hitting the button?
> (I don't actually need to do this.)

You don't say which OS... if you're running IE on Windows you
can use COM as follows...

from win32com.client import Dispatch
from time import sleep

ie = Dispatch("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = 1
while ie.ReadyState != 4:    # Wait for browser to finish loading.
doc = ie.Document
doc.f.q.value = "qwerty"    # form name is 'f'; search field name is 'q'
doc.f.btnG.click()    # click on button 'btnG'


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