On Mar 30, 6:14 am, monkeys paw <mon...@joemoney.net> wrote:
> How do i delete a module namespace once it has been imported?
> I use
> import banner
> Then i make a modification to banner.py. When i import it again,
> the new changes are not reflected. Is there a global variable i can
> modify?

It seems you are asking about modules and namespaces whereas you
actually want to ask about how to optimize your development
environment -- Yes?
IOW a programmer normally starts with a vague idea, moves to/through
increasing details with the implementation moving from incomplete to
buggy to finished.

Modules (and shrink wrapping in general) is good in the later stages
and a nuisance in the earlier.
As an alternative if you use emacs and python-mode then you can hack
away with C-c C-c (py-execute-buffer) without the problem you
describe.  Then module-arize when done.

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