I just came across the Cobra language, which appears to be heavily
influenced by Python (and other languages).  The pitch sounds great. 
It's supposed to have:

   1. Quick, expressive coding
   2. Fast execution
   3. Static and dynamic binding
   4. Language level support for quality



I was wondering what advantages Python has over Cobra.  I know it's
probably a difficult question to answer and depends on specific
requirements.  All I can think of is:

    * Maturity of language
          o Robust and tested.
          o availability of modules (standard and built-in).
          o large community support (commercial and non-commercial).
    * No dependence of .NET/Mono
          o I don't know if this is an pro or con as I don't know .NET.

Presumably the maturity argument would be less significant over time.

I'm not sure about the .NET/Mono framework, whether that is good or
bad.  Sounds good in some situations at least.

Any other arguments where Python has benefits over Cobra ??

Cheers, Brendan.

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