Steven D'Aprano wrote:
In my view, Mono encourages .NET; and that's bad. Idea patents and
particularly idea patents covering mathematics

Do you have an example of a patent covering mathematics that applies
to .NET?

Therein lies *the* problem. The point that gets missed over and over is that there CAN BE NO PATENT COVERING MATHEMATICS ... period.

Yes, C# and .NET are covered by hundreds of software patents. Its an insane mess... which must be eliminated at all costs.

All software can be expressed as lambda calculus. The point being, all software is mathematics. No software should have been able to be patented; and this is regardless of prior art, time-frames, wording, &etc. Mathematics, processes in algorithm, and algorithm specifications should never have seen the light of day as patentable. Believe it or not, we're about to win that argument... the most recent Supreme Court decision regarding process and process algorithms was a serious victory in the right direction.

>  ( every known piece of
>  software ever written can be described by lambda algebra )
And every piece of hardware can be described by a mathematical function,
so does this mean you oppose*all*  patents?

You have a serious misunderstanding regarding idea patents. An idea that can be constructed is patentable (like a nand chip, the SN7400N, for instance) but the mathematical concept of the 'nand gate' cannot be patented. In other words, if Texas Instruments designs a specif kind of hardware to implement the concept of 'nand gate' and builds the chip (the quad nand SN7400N) and that chip design ( TTL ) is patented, that in no way "patents" the mathematical concept idea for 'nand gate'. Someone else is perfectly free to develop their own hardware to implement the math concept 'nand gate' (like Motorola's CMOS 4011 quad two input positive nand gate) and then patent *thier* hardware chip. I am not apposed to patents... they are worded into the Constitution of the United States for which I am honor-bound and patriot bound to protect, with life if necessary. What I am apposed to is the illicit use of the U.S. patent office by corporations to patent mathematical ideas that constrain progress in computer science and usurp the common liberties of we the people, costing all of us billions of dollars in litigation expenses (only the damn lawyers win). Software patents are evil and must be eliminated. Further, every effort must be brought to the front in apposition to software patents around the globe. This sin is not just local to the U.S. Every free nation (ones that value freedom) must take a stand in this fight.

are not truly
patentable... which is why some of us are vigorously fighting software
patents (as well at the corporations who wield them).
What are you doing to fight software patents?

    For one thing, what I'm doing right now; talking to you.

For another, I join and support the organizations who are formally fighting to eliminate software patents. There are many of these, but the ones I support are:

Take a stand, if you value freedom, and if you value computer science. Its your responsibility, as well as mine.

Software must be free (as in freedom). Encouraging interoperability with
known agendas against freedom is inconsistent with the fundamental
I would have thought that if you really, truly believed in freedom, you
would be happy to allow people the freedom to interoperate with non-free
software. But perhaps you meant that software must be free, provided only
the right sorts of freedom are supported.

I take no action to prevent you (nor anyone else) from inter-operating with non-free software nor the evil corporations who provide it. You are not "free" in doing so, but I will not in any way constrain you any further than your own choices. Again, you miss the point. Proprietary software and proprietary interoperability are at work to destroy my freedoms and the freedoms of computer science. At this point in time, I am not legally "free" to build *any* non-trivial software without requiring very expensive cross-licensing (which I cannot afford) with evil corporate empires because of software idea patents holding me by the nose whilst kicking my rear-end. This situation is intolerable, and must be eliminated... the quicker the sooner.

C# was an effort to lock-in commercial developers into the
.NET framework (and it almost damn-well worked!).
Got a source for that?

Another poster provided you with the numbers (which are conservative, by the way). If it had not been for SUN and Java, we would have been toast with Microsoft and C#. Fortunately .NET and C# turned out to be a Microsoft fad vision flop, like Visual BASIC. But that also misses the main point... which was and is--- proprietary software (and frameworks, gimmics, &etc like that) are evil if their design purpose is to lock-in 'market share' and usurp freedom of choice and freedom of creativity|expression.

And you can trust it because Forrester said so!

That's the trouble with some argumentation... its often sarcastic. Sarcasm is usually based in emotions like the secondary emotion of anger, or directly based in the primary emotion of fear. These points can be debated without fear or sarcasm. I don't even really fear losing freedom... but I don't mind fighting for it... and I won't give it up without a fight either! That's my emotion.

 Give me liberty or give me death--- Patric Henry

As I see it, C# has never had more than an 8% market share. But perhaps
you have some better data.

There is plenty of data... google it, or check your local B&N bookseller (or equivalent). For a while C# was the fad taking the world by storm... fortunately the storm has waned... but the threat is still there. Of course, Windows failure with Vista and Win7 (not to mention their lame phone) has helped. The love for Microsoft is gone... the only thing that remains is the lock-in... like Borg implants... its gonna take a while to cleanse the infected drones. We'll get there.

>  At this point Microsoft has absolutely nothing to offer the computer
>  science community at large except bzillions of euros ( or dollars ) of
>  wasteful litigation and head-ache.
Do you have an example of this wasteful litigation?

You have to be kidding, right? Check *any* of the sites I listed above and read about it... software idea patent litigation is a business now worth billions of dollars per year. The only people who win are the damn lawyers. The ones that lose are you and I. You want a good example... google the lawsuit that is firing up between Microsoft and Barnes & Noble over the nook... a general purpose computer running android linux and being used to read books. Microsoft (the odious giant) has brought suit (yes, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars) against little 'ol B&N (the struggling bookseller) over software idea patent infringement in the B&N nook reader. This makes me damn mad, and it should anger you also. And you should want to do something about it.. !

Don't tread on me.

kind regards,
m harris


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