Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> Hi All--
> I've been using PySol-4.40 for years, because that was the last Windows
> installer version I could find.  My wife's been using it for almost the
> same length of time.  That version's worked just fine on W98, W98SE, W2K
> (server included), and WinXP SP1.
> I upgraded to SP2 and pysol fails silently.  Running 'python pysol.pyw'
> gives me this error: 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "pysol.pyw", line 64, in ?
>         imp.load_compiled("__main__", sys.argv[0])
> ImportError: Bad magic number in C:\Program
> Files\PySol-4.40\data\pysol.pyc

Are you sure you're using the Python version (2.3, 2.4 etc) that the 
Pysol .pyw files were compiled for? As I understand it, that's what the 
"magic number" is - a versioning number for the .pyc/.pyw files which 
changes when the Python version is upped.

If you had multiple versions of Python installed on your machine, 
upgrading to SP2 might have muddled your file associations.

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