Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
Please read

If you still do not understand why this is a bogus issue then just go

Good blog--- off the point, but a nice rant none-the-less.

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With all this in mind, you can see why patent FUD is hard to fight, because there's no way to dismiss it. Software patents are a reality, they're ugly, but they can't be avoided. (Yet they must be ignored, to avoid increased liability.)
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His primary error in thought, suggests that we must live with software patents forever... wrong. They must be eliminated.

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My problem is that the anti-Mono people only seem to focus on patents with respect to Mono and Microsoft, ignoring the rest of the software industry. They're ignoring the (gigantic) forest so that they can pay attention to a single tree, Microsoft.
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Also, wrong. In fact, Mono is at the bottom of my list. Even though Mono encourages .NET C#, it at least is open source software... my primary targets (there are hundreds of them) are way more important than Mono...

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What I find even "funnier" is that Microsoft supposedly holds a number of patents in a number of areas frequently used by open-source projects, such as HTML, CSS, C++, XML, and others. So why don't we ever see any suggestions to avoid these technologies because the Big Bad Microsoft might sue?
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This is because the patents are so obviously bogus (and vague) that even non-lawyers know that they wouldn't stand a chance in court. No, the dangers lie elsewhere. Microsoft is a bully... and how they choose their battles has been a mystery to many of us... like the B&N case... who knew?... frankly, I'm not concerned about Mono... at the moment Microsoft needs them... for the moment...

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For that matter, (again) considering how vague software patents tend to be, wouldn't many Microsoft patents on .NET stand a chance at being applicable toward Java, Python, and other projects? (Again) Why just focus on Mono?

Final note: I am a Software Engineer, not a patent lawyer.
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At least he admits that he doesn't know what he is talking about. That is refreshing.

No one is focusing on *just* Mono... nobody... its just one area of concern. The reason Mono gets hit (from others besides me) is that they are in partnership and collaboration with Microsoft, consciously and unconsciously. This must be punished. Microsoft is a corporate bully, a terrible citizen, and officially (district and federal) a criminal, guilty of breaking anti-trust laws. FOSS should not collaborate with Microsoft, in any way. We won our class action suit against Microsoft here in Minnesota... out of which I received a smallish payout... and that is a start. Microsoft must cease to exist (as a business interest if necessary) as a corporate bully, and FOSS should have nothing to do with aiding them.

This is not just business... this is principle. If you give up principle (Mono, or anyone else) even if you win, you lose.

kind regards,
m harris


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