Is having to read two lines really that much worse than one? And the
only thing you find objectionable about the most obvious solution?
If so, then what's wrong with:

def foo():
    # .... do some stuff
    if debug: emit_dbg_obj(DbgObjFoo(a,b,c))
    # .... do more stuff

To my mind, this is no less readable and no more clutter than
DEBUG_EMIT(DbgObjFoo(a,b,c)) Then again, I don't mind the two line
version - personally, I prefer my debug code be more conspicuous rather
than less, so that its clearly seperate, visually and hence mentally,
from functional part of the code.

Preprocessor Macros and their ilk have always seemed like an awful
kludge to me, nessecary and useful in a language like C I'll grant, but
not very Pythonic at all.

If you really feel you can't stand the (presumably marginal) expense of
creating the debug objects when unnessecary, and want to get rid of
certain lines of code conditionally - using textual replacement, which
is essentially, by my limited understanding, all a pre-processor does -
then why not just do it yourself? Have
emit_dbg_obj(DbgObjFoobar(a,b,c)) all you want in your in development
code, and use a simple regex search and replace to comment it out of
your source when the code ships.

Most critically, though, if you're worried about efficiency issues this
fine-grained, trying to scrounge every last byte of memory, I'd suggest
Python is probably the wrong language for your problem. Object creation
overhead and the like is just part of the regular cost of having a high
level, dynamic, interpreted language. If you really, really need
preprocessor macros for efficiency reasons, then your probably need C.

I'm sorry, my reply hasn't been all that helpful I guess :) It seems a
bit of a trend on this mailing list - ask for some feature, or a way to
emulate it, and instead get a bunch of arguments as to why that feature
doesn't fit the design and philosophy of the language, and some
suggestions on how to do things differently.

Probably some much more knowledgable Pythonista can cook up a way to
achieve your desired behaviour, using exec or eval or some other such
unsightly hack... but I can only hope such practices don't become

Mac wrote:
> Is there a way to mimic the behaviour of C/C++'s preprocessor for
> macros?  The problem: a lot of code like this:
> def foo():
>     # .... do some stuff
>     if debug:
>         emit_dbg_obj(DbgObjFoo(a,b,c))
>     # .... do more stuff
>     if debug:
>         emit_dbg_obj(DbgObjBar(d,e))
>     # ... and so on ...
> Notes:
> * the two-lines of debug conditional tend to really break up the flow
> of the surrounding code
> * in C you could wrap them with a macro so you could do
> DEBUG_EMIT(DbgObjFoo(a,b,c)), etc, with the macro only instantiating
> the object and processing it if the debug flag was set.  The one-liner
> is MUCH less disruptive visually when reading code
> * using
>    def debug_emit(obj):
>        if debug:
>            emit_dbg_obj(obj)
> is a poor solution, because it *always* instantiates DbgObj*, even when
> not needed; I want to avoid such unnecessary waste


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