En Fri, 15 Apr 2011 05:33:18 -0300, Algis Kabaila <akaba...@pcug.org.au> escribió:

An elementary question that is bugging me, regarding sys.path
values.sys.path can be altered easily, but the changes last for
the current session only. I would like the changes to stay for
several sessions.  Is PYTHONPATH a system variable that sets the
path for several sessions and if so, where in the system is it?
Do I need to create one for setting python path for several

PYTHONPATH is an environment variable, you set it the same way as any other, the details depend on the operating system/shell you're currently using.

But - why do you think you need to set PYTHONPATH? Don't do that. Use the standard places to put your library modules and packages, like site-packages (where third-party libraries are installed by default). From Python 2.6+ the search path includes per-user directories like ~/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages and %APPDATA%\Python\Python26\site-packages (see PEP370 [1] for details) so you don't even have to mess with the Python installation directories.

[1] http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0370/

Gabriel Genellina


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