On Mon, 18 Apr 2011 08:01:00 +0100, <wisecrac...@tesco.net> wrote:

Hi Rhodri...

You do realise that what id() returns is implementation-dependent, don't
you?  In particular, what IronPython returns isn't an address.

I'm pretty sure I wrote "standard Python" install in one of my replies.

Yeah here it is in a reply to Miki...

"Hmm, I was hoping to stay inside a standard Python install."

IronPython *is* a standard Python install. So is CPython, the one I presume you mean. Even that doesn't offer you any guarantee that it isn't going to change what id() returns from one version to the next. Relying on implementation-defined behaviour like this is a good way of getting code to blow up in your face. You'll get much more reliable results by starting in a language that was actually intended for direct memory access, like C, and wrapping that in Python.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

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