If this thread has shown anything it is I'm a bit green with respect to
software licenses, but the other thing is that I consider myself as an
isolated case and I wanted to know if there were others who wanted the
same thing as me.

I'm curious to know what the money that open source or GPL'd projects
get and what this money means to these people's overall income. I am
sure that any amount would motivate somebody to continue their work on
a project, but myself in particular, I consider my project to be a tool
for teaching and I view teaching as helping others...which I would
gladly offer without price. I wanted to see if there were others who
shared my view of helping others freely with their knowledge.

Yes, what I ask may seem ridiculous, but I don't view it that way.
Instead, I find that it is the implication of using a restrictive
license such as I described to be ridiculous: if there is no monetary
gain option in the license, then this implies that nobody (or very few)
will be willing to do any work or "asking for something for nothing".
It isn't for nothing if you value knowledge and learning.

I admit that my view is a bit idealistic which leads me to believe that
maybe I should reconsider the whole decision altogether.


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