On 4/21/2011 11:43 AM, chad wrote:
Let's say I have the following....

class BaseHandler:
     def foo(self):
         print "Hello"

class HomeHandler(BaseHandler):

Then I do the following...

test = HomeHandler()

How can HomeHandler call foo() when I never created an instance of

When you ask for an attribute of an instance of a class, the attribute lookup first looks at the instance; if not there, then the class; if not there, then superclass(es); and so on back to class 'object'.

>>> class C(): pass

>>> c=C()
>>> c.__hash__
<method-wrapper '__hash__' of C object at 0x00FCB5D0>

# how does this happen when C has no __hash__ method?

>>> C.__hash__
<slot wrapper '__hash__' of 'object' objects>

# C inherits __hash__ and other special methods from 'object'

>>> hash(c)

# uses the default, inherited method.

Most syntactic operations and builtins are ultimately converted to a special method call, often inherited like this. In fact, c.x is converted to object.__getattribute__(c, 'x').

>>> object.__getattribute__(c, '__hash__')
<method-wrapper '__hash__' of C object at 0x00FCB5D0>

You do need to understand inheritance. On the other hand, do not worry about behind-the-scenes implementation details like 'method_wrapper' and 'slot_wrapper' classes, which may be CPython specific.

Terry Jan Reedy


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