On 04/23/2011 11:51 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
harrismh777<harrismh...@charter.net>  wrote:
If an operation like (+) is used to add  1 + '1' then the
string should be converted to int and the addition should
take place, returning a reference to object int (2).

No, the int 1 should be cast to a string, and the result
should be the string '11'.

Oh, come on...clearly if you're adding mixed types, there's significance to the difference, so the result should obviously be the complex number


Or maybe it should be the tuple


Or did I mean the list


It's all so obvious...  :)

I didn't mind the auto-promotion (as much) in VB6 when I had an explicit concat operator

  1 & "1"   ' returns "11"


  1 + "1"   ' returns 2



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