Am 26.04.2011 15:48, schrieb Oltmans:

Following doesn't work

config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'configs.txt')
server_info = config.get("DB_INFO","server")
db = config.get("DB_INFO","database")
username = config.get("DB_INFO","user")
pwd = config.get("DB_INFO","password")
print server_info,db,username,pwd
conn =

but following does work

conn =

Ok, if you are this far: what prevents you from trying

print server_info, db, username, pwd

and being aware that IF there are " around, they are not part of the string representation, but they are really there.

Config file looks like following

server = "server"
database = "database"
user = "user"
password = "password"

I think if you will have seen the output above, you will probably see what is wrong here: too many "s. :-)



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