Am 26.04.2011 20:44, schrieb Hegedüs Ervin:

and (maybe) final question: :)

I defined many exceptions:

static PyObject *cibcrypt_error_nokey;
static PyObject *cibcrypt_error_nofile;
static PyObject *cibcrypt_error_badpad;

void handle_err(int errcode) {
     switch(errcode) {
         case -1:    PyErr_SetString(cibcrypt_error_nokey, "Can't find key.");
     cibcrypt_error_nokey = PyErr_NewException("cibcrypt.error_nokey", NULL, 
     PyModule_AddObject(o, "error", cibcrypt_error_nokey);

Then I would not use the name "error" here, but maybe "error_nokey" or even better "NoKeyException".

Oops: there is an inconsistency in the docu: on the one hand, it says

  There are exactly two important exceptions to this rule:
  PyTuple_SetItem() and PyList_SetItem().

stating these are the only ones who take over ownership.

But PyModule_AddObject() claims to "steal" a reference as well...

I am right, here also no need any Py_INCREF()/Py_DECREF() action,
based on this doc:

I'm not sure: On one hand, you pass ownership of the error objects to the module. There - one could think - they are until the module is unloaded.

But what if someone does "del module.NoKeyException"? In this case, the object could have been destroyed, and you are using it -> BANG.

On the other hand, if you keep one instance internally, it is not possible any longer to unload the module without a memory leak...

As already stated - you might want to have a look at some other C modules and mimic their behaviour... (and hope they are doing it right...)


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