On 04/26/2011 09:45 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
Tim Chase<python.l...@tim.thechases.com>  writes:
Bazaar (bzr)
- was slow, though I understand they've worked on improving this

Right, that's not a count against Bazaar for at least the last several
versions (since 2009 at least). Bazaar is easily fast enough for
anything people use, say, Mercurial for.

Glad to hear. That was my biggest beef with bzr when I tried it (c. 2008), so if they've got that working well, it's worth my time to revisit. Do you have a reference for timing improvements against version number ("in version x.y, action Z took N ms; in version x.[y+1], action Z took N-M ms")? I'm running Debian Stable and sometimes it takes a little while for these features to trickle down. But I *hope* changes in 2009 would have made it in by now :)

Git (git)
- good documentation (though somewhat scattered)

Hmm. Can't really overcome the rampant NIH syndrome: there is a lot that
shouldn't *need* so much documentation if the interface were better
designed from the start. I wouldn't count this as a pro for Git.

Yeah, I've encountered that aspect of the abundant documentation on Git. :)

So that said, I've become a Mercurial user because the interface was
close to SVN which I used previously, and it was speedy on my older
machines. If bzr has come up to comparable speed, I'd be game to probe
it again.

I recommend doing so.

Thanks for giving me something to do this weekend. :)



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