On 28/04/2011 20:11, Uncle Ben wrote:
On Apr 28, 12:28 pm, Uncle Ben<b...@greenba.com>  wrote:
I have lost the convenient feature that to edit a .py file I could
right-click on the file name and reach the menu item "Edit with IDLE".

The workaround is not hard, but it wouild be nice to get this feature

It happened when I was mungeing around and downloaded Python 2.3.3 in
addition to Python 2.7.1, and got into trouble until I discovered
that I was involuntarily RUNNING the older version.  So I cleaned it
out, but still I have this aftermath.

Is there a Windows guru out there who can tell be how to add to the
right-click menu clicking on myfile.py?

Uncle Ben

It was suggested to me privately that I search for
right_click on "shell",
create a new key called "EDIT with IDLE"
and another called "command python.exe %1"

   Searching on the HKEY group as above yields no "shell".

Did I not do it right, or is there another way?

(I would think that that command would execute my file, not edit it.
But maybe I will be surprised.)

(I am running Windows 7, 64-bit.)

Probably the simplest solution would be to install the appropriate
version of Python again.

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