
Am 29.04.2011 12:01, schrieb Adam Tauno Williams:
On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 23:47 -0700, Anurag (anu) Agarwal wrote:
Hi All,
I want to build an application for one of my client which has
following features
1. Client has some driver software which can be installed on Windows
and Linux based systems. This driver software is fetching some
operating system details using kernel level programming.
This is commonly called an "agent". You might not want do write your own because it is hard to do correctly and takes a lot of time. I'd suggest you search for something like sigar (library) or collectd and check out what they can offer in terms of output formats.

2. Now a new web based application is required to moniter these
servers remotly. This application will talk to these servers and get
the data (not sure how data will be fetched from driver software) then
show it on UI.

Perhaps via WMI?
Yes, best option. Modern windows versions have WinRM which is basically WMI over http (wmi being an implementation of CIM over DCOM, but I digress...)

3. The web based application will be used internally in the network to
moniter servers in that network only.

You mean like OpenNMS or ZenOSS?

4. Web based application will be a real time application with a

Like OpenNMS or ZenOSS?
How can they be realtime if they generate static images?

5. Technology I am thingking for web based application is Django and
Python as this web application can also be installed on Windows or
Linux based OS.

If you want real-time monitoring you *must* build a service; a 'web app'
can *not* do that.
Do you mean an agent?

6. Also please suggest which third party tool for chatrs and graphs I
should use with Django (open source + paid)

ZenOSS and OpenNMS do graphs using RRD.
I know this is the "standard" but IMO it's totally backward these days. Correlating or selecting/deselecting certain values is painful (you have to write a graph def). With <canvas> and modern JS libs like raphael there are better ways to do this. Just look at google analytics. On the other hand, RRD (the database) is great, I just never got the python bindings for rrd_fetch to reliably fetch the values I needed (you can't tell it to stop normalizing ....)

It looks like PCP (http://oss.sgi.com/projects/pcp/features.html) will gain a JSON interface shortly. That would be awesome because PCP is developed by real engineers and has a proper architecture and is NOT a CPU sucking monstrosity of PERL-line-noise + a few hacked-together PHP frontends.

just my 2cents


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