Thomas> My reference to Visual Basic was meant to be a poke in the eye.
    Thomas> The language itself stinks.  BUT - having a robust IDE with
    Thomas> keyword tooltip prompts, built in language documentation, robust
    Thomas> built in debugging, and most of all - a stable GUI , a standard
    Thomas> suite of widgets for interacting with those pesky, error prone
    Thomas> humans, the ability to draw these on a form with a mouse and
    Thomas> have all that running in minutes! It no longer matters that the
    Thomas> language itself smells like 4 day old fish!  No amount of
    Thomas> linguistic or structural elegance can have as much impact on
    Thomas> productivity as the IDE/GUI.

    Thomas> It drives me crazy when someone suggests that it might amount to
    Thomas> no more than a bit of fluff hardly worth bothering with because
    Thomas> when it comes to programming -

    Thomas> An excellent IDE/GUI just trumps everything.

Glade is fine for building Gtk user interfaces.  I have no idea if there are
similar tools for other widget sets, though I wouldn't be surprised if such
tools existed.  Once the GUI is fairly stable, most of the development after
that occurs in the underlying functional part of the code (at least in my
recent experience).  For that, no amount of Glade slinging will help.



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