On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 1:50 PM, PyNewbie <ryan.morr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new with Python and PIL. I have a very simple question regarding an image 
> capture function I'm attempting.
> Here is the code:
>>>> from PIL import ImageGrab
>>>> ImageGrab.grab().save("screen_capture.jpg", "JPEG")
> Question: I can't seem to find the captured image, where does it go?  The 
> python Shell IDE does not display an error, and the code appears to have been 
> processed.
> Additional Info: I'm using Python 2.6, and PIL 1.1.7 for Python 2.6 Windows.

I would think to a file named "screen_capture.jpg" in the current
working directory. What that is for IDLE, I don't know. You can
determine what folder that is by running this in your Python shell:

from os import getcwd

Also, I would suggest using absolute file paths in the future, rather
than relative ones; e.g. "C:/Documents and Settings/Your
username/Desktop/screen_capture.jpg" rather than just


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