On Monday 02 May 2011 17:19:57 rusi wrote:
> On May 2, 12:08 pm, Algis Kabaila <akaba...@pcug.org.au> 
> > Actually, Bazaar is more convenient than rcs for a single
> > user, as the repository can be the working directory (with
> > a "hidden" .bzr directory that stores diffs).
> Dont exactly understand...
> Is it that you want it specifically hidden?
> Otherwise rcs will look inside an RCS directory just as bzr
> will with .bzr git will with .git and so on.

Sorry for not being clear - "ls" will not show directories that 
start with "." - in that sense these directories are "hidden".  
They are not really really hidden, as "ls  -l" will show them.  
They simply are not in the way and keep the progressive versions 
of the program (in form of diffs).

Does that make better sense?. 

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