On May 2, 3:25 pm, Chris Rebert <c...@rebertia.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Unknown Moss <unknownm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi -Beginnerquestionhere. I'm working with ConfigParser. I'd like
> > to take a multiline variable and convert it directly to an array.
> > Seems like a common  problem, but I don't see how I can do it without
> > doing a little parsing in my own code. Here's what I'm doing ...
> >>>> import ConfigParser
> >>>> import io
> >>>> sample = """
> > ... [Example]
> > ... fruit = apple
> > ...     orange
> > ...     pear
> > ... """
> >>>> config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
> >>>> config.readfp(io.BytesIO(sample))
> >>>> config.get("Example", "fruit")
> > 'apple\norange\npear'
> >>>> temp = config.get("Example", "fruit")
> >>>> temp.split()
> > ['apple', 'orange', 'pear']
> > I'm thinking there's a way to avoid this intermediate temp.split()
> > step. Is there not a way to move a multiline value straight into an
> > array using ConfigParser?
> Nope, there is not. I think some might instead use several numbered
> options to similar effect:
> # config file
> [Example]
> fruit1: apple
> fruit2: orange
> fruit3: pear
> # Python
> from itertools import count
> fruits = []
> names = ("fruit" + str(i) for i in count(1))
> for name in names:
>     if not config.has_option("Example", name):
>         break
>     fruits.append(config.get("Example", name))
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --http://rebertia.com

Ok, thanks Chris. Maybe I'm getting too lazy in my old age.  :-)

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