On Wed, 04 May 2011 14:22:38 -0500, harrismh777 wrote:

>     Here is the thing that everyone forgets... all we have to work with
> is a von Neumann processor. (same as EDVAC, ENIAC, the VIC20, etc).

Actually, this is incorrect. Most processors these days are hybrids 
between that and either the Harvard or Modified Harvard architecture:


> Assembler is still the best language on that processor.

Assembly is not "a" language, it is a generic term for dozens or hundreds 
of different languages. But in any case, it's not clear what you mean by 
"best language".

> 'C'  is still the best high-level language on that processor.

C is better described as a high-level assembler, or a low-level language. 
It is too close to the hardware to describe it as high-level, it has no 
memory management, few data abstractions, and little protection.

>     Its silly to claim that one high-level language or another is better
> suited to complex data abstraction... don't go there.

Surely you can't possibly mean that?

Surely you don't mean to tell us that the 1957 version of FORTRAN, or 
unstructured BASIC, or early COBOL, are just as well suited to data 
abstraction as (say) Haskell?

Many implementations of unstructured BASIC didn't even have arrays, only 
character strings and integers.

Or (one of my personal favourites), Apple's Hypertalk? *Everything* is a 
string in Hypertalk. I love Hypertalk, but good for data abstraction? 
Don't make me laugh.

You should read Paul Graham on the Blub Paradox:



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