1011_wxy, 06.05.2011 04:29:
发件人: James Mills
On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 11:37 AM, 1011_wxy wrote:
I got a import error when I use Python 3.2 to import BeautifulSoup 3.2.0 .
Is there any differences between Python 3.2 and other version? This is my
first time to use Python3.2 .
And the error message will be as below.

Judging from your tracebacks, it would appear
that BeuituflSoup has not yet been ported to
and/or fixed for Python 3 compatibility.

BeautifulSoup does not work well with Python3.2 .

You can try to convert it using 2to3, though.

I might suggest you take a look at using lxml instead

... which works with all Python versions from 2.3 through 3.2.

which ships with the standard library.

No. While this has been suggested, it will not become part of the stdlib in the foreseeable future. It's readily available as a separate package on PyPI, though.



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