On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Philip Semanchuk <phi...@semanchuk.com> wrote:
> What if it's not a list but a tuple or a numpy array? Often I just want to 
> iterate through an element's items and I don't care if it's a list, set, etc. 
> For instance, given this function definition --
> def print_items(an_iterable):
>    if not an_iterable:
>        print "The iterable is empty"
>    else:
>        for item in an_iterable:
>            print item
> I get the output I want with all of these calls:
> print_items( list() )
> print_items( tuple() )
> print_items( set() )
> print_items( numpy.array([]) )

But sadly it fails on iterators:
print_items(-x for x in [])

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