Le 11/05/2011 01:57, James Mills a écrit :
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Dan Stromberg<drsali...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  What are your favorite backup programs written, in whole or in part, in
>>  Python?

My favorite one is the one I wrote myself for myself ;)

The point I like :

1. the backup is a simple copy. I can retrieve it without any specific programs. 2. if a file changed, before to be copied, the backup file is moved to a specific repertory whose name is the date and hour. So if I destroy a file and backup the destroyed one, the old
   non-destroyed one is still available.
3. Since the program is anyway performing a long os.walk operation, in the same time, it performs `git commit`
   in the directories that need it.
4. My program is command-line only. Works fine in tty

Points that are of no importance (very personal and adapted to my specific case !) :

1. time. One backup takes between 10 minutes and one hour. I don't really care. 2. space. Since my backup is a copy (and copy of copies), my backup directory takes ~150Go
   while my home is about 25 Go.

Hope it answer your question.

Have a nice day

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