some time ago, I wrote a program to eliminate undesided emails from the 
server(s) and leave those which comply to certain filter criteria.

I started it when I got to know whit Python 2.3. Now a days I'd like to 
spend some time to improve it, just for my interest, however it didn't 
gather anybody's interest before.
Now python 3.2 (and some version before) started to use byte, rather than 
text strings, almost for all data handling in compliance to unicode. My 
problem arise that my program handle text strings, so I'd like to rewrite 
the code

My program reads from IMAP4 or POP3 server, I'd prefer that a function/class  
will return either a list or a dictionary which contains the following 

'from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'date', 'subject', 'reply-to', 'message-id'

The list may be organized as tuple (from, its_content,), etc,etc for each 
field, but I think dictionary would be more efficient to use.

1) is there a way to call the IMAPlib or POPlib and pass the data directly 
to email.parser.HeaderParser to achieve my intention?

2) If the above will do, do re.compile compile unicode results?
I guess yes.

3) any related documentation...

goto /dev/null

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