D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
Non-programmers should be able to program?

Should non-doctors be able to doctor?  Should cars be built so that
anyone can intuitively fix them without a mechanic?

   Non-programmers should not be expected to program in 'C' nor in lisp...

   ... but non-programmers were able to program in BASIC jes fine...

I contend that non-programmers are able to learn rudimentary python and work with it to solve real problems 'without' formal training in 'programming'.

Python is the New BASIC for 'people'. At least, it has the potential to be that... people should be able to talk to their computers (whatever we mean by that) and have the computer respond with real-world solutions. We need to move away from 'canned apps' to a new day where the masses can sit down to their computer and solve new problems with it through intuitive language skills. Why not?


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