Hello Peter, Angelico,

Ok lets see, My aim is to filter out several fields from a log file and write 
them to a new log file.  The current log file, as I mentioned previously, has 
thousands of lines like this:-
2011-05-16 09:46:22,361 [Thread-4847133] PDU D <G_CC_SMS_SERVICE_51408_656.O_ 
 - 2011-05-16 09:46:22 - OUT - (submit_resp: (pdu: L: 53 ID: 80000004 Status: 0 
SN: 25866) 98053090-7f90-11e0-a2da-00238bce423b (opt: ) ) >

All the lines in the log file are similar and they all have the same length 
(same amount of fields).  Most of the fields are separated by spaces except for 
couple of them which I am processing with AWK (removing "<G_" from the string 
for example).  So in essence what I want to do is evaluate each line in the log 
file and break them down into fields which I can call individually and write 
them to a new log file (for example selecting only fields 1, 2 and 3).

I hope this is clearer now



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