On 17/05/2011 19:47, Ethan Furman wrote:
In Python 3 one can say

--> huh = bytes(5)

Since the bytes type is actually a list of integers, I would have
expected this to have huh being a bytestring with one element -- the
integer 5. Actually, what you get is:

--> huh

or five null bytes. Note that this is an immutable type, so you cannot
go in later and say

--> huh[3] = 9
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'bytes' object does not support item assignment

So, out of curiosity, does anyone actually use this, um, feature?

I suppose it follows the example of 'list' and 'tuple' in accepting an

Producing a bytestring of zero bytes might have its uses, but because
Python lets me do coding at a high level (lists, dicts, etc), I've
never used that feature.

BTW, help(bytes) doesn't seem to mention it!

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