["Followup-To:" header set to comp.lang.python.]
On Wed, 18 May 2011 21:09:15 +0200, Raymond Wiker
  <raw@RAWMBP-2.local> wrote:
: > In the sense that the tree itself is a stack, yes.  But if we
: > consider the tree (or one of its branches) to be a stack, then
: > the original claim becomes a tautology.
:       No, the tree is not a stack, but the chain of parent pointers
:  from a particular node may be considered as a stack that records the
:  path taken to reach the current node.

That is one of its branches, yes, path from root towards leaf. 
It is part of the data structure, and you don't travers a data
structure without using the datastructure.

: > But you do have a point.  Keeping a stack of nodes on the path
: > back to root is a great deal simpler and cheaper than a call
: > stack, and not really a significant expense in context.
:       For this particular operation, possibly. For other tree
:  operations, a single parent pointer may not be sufficient.

Que?  What tree operations do you have in mind?  We have covered
all the standard textbook tree walks by now.

:-- Hans Georg

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