Earlier I asked about a problem with ipython in windows which does not
seem to be there in linux.

Now I find that a similar problem surfaces with turtle -- so it
seemingly is not so much an ipython problem.  The problem can be seen

Lets say I want to try out some turtle commands such as:
from turtle import *

Run from a file there's no issue.
Likewise I can run these commands one after the other from an
interactive prompt in a shell and they work as expected.

But if I run these commands one after another at the interactive
prompt inside emacs,
it hangs after the first forward(100)

ie the canvas and a line and arrow come up but control does not seem
to return to the prompt.
More general question: When a question was asked: "Which IDE you use
for python development?", 'emacs' was a frequent response.  Are any of
you emacs+python users on windows? [Or am I a dinosaur?]

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