On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Deeyana <d.awlberg@hotmail.invalid> wrote:
> Classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim. Scheme does not come OOTB
> with any suitable libraries for host interop and though it can make calls
> to C libraries, doing so is awkward and involves difficulties with the
> impedance mismatch between Scheme's data structures and C's char *, void
> *, int, double, array, etc. types. To top it off, C lacks automatic
> memory management, which means you'll have to concern yourself with
> manually disposing of allocated data structures used in interop. (Or,
> worse, things will get garbage collected by the Scheme runtime that the
> Scheme code no longer references, but the C library is still using, and
> bam! SIGSEGV.)

How is this fundamentally different from Python calling into C?

Chris Angelico

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