On Sat, 28 May 2011 23:12:54 -0700, John Nagle wrote:

>     The correct answer to "nan == nan" is to raise an exception, because
> you have asked a question for which the answer is nether True nor False.


The correct answer to "nan == nan" is False, they are not equal. Just as 
None != "none", and 42 != [42], or a teacup is not equal to a box of 

Asking whether NAN < 0 could arguably either return "unordered" (raise an 
exception) or return False ("no, NAN is not less than zero; neither is it 
greater than zero"). The PowerPC Macintishes back in the 1990s supported 
both behaviours. But that's different to equality tests.

>     The correct semantics for IEEE floating point look something like
> this:
>       1/0             INF
>       INF + 1         INF
>       INF - INF       NaN
>       INF == INF      unordered

Wrong. Equality is not an order comparison.


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