Daniel Kluev <dan.kl...@gmail.com> writes:

> On a sidenote, I wonder what is the reason to keep word 'variable' in
> python documentation at all. I believe word 'name' represents concept
> better, and those, who come from other languages, would be less likely
> to associate wrong definitions with it.

I agree, but the term “variable” is used freely within the Python
development team to refer to Python's name-to-object bindings, and that
usage isn't likely to stop through our efforts.

So the burden is unfortunately on us to teach each newbie that this
often-used term means something other than what they might expect.

 \           “In case you haven't noticed, [the USA] are now almost as |
  `\     feared and hated all over the world as the Nazis were.” —Kurt |
_o__)                                                   Vonnegut, 2004 |
Ben Finney

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