On 2011.06.03 09:42 AM, Cathy James wrote:
> I need a jolt here with my python excercise, please somebody!! How can
> I make my functions work correctly? I tried below but I get the
> following error:
> if f_dict[capitalize]:
> KeyError: <function capitalize at 0x00AE12B8>
>  def capitalize (s):
>     """capitalize accepts a string parameter and applies the
> capitalize() method"""
>     s.capitalize()
>     f_dict = {'capitalize': 'capitalize(s)',
Your capitalize() function doesn't return anything, therefore
f_dict[capitalize] won't contain anything. Your string s will still be
changed (inside the function) when the function is called, but there is
still no value associated with capitalize().
Also, capitalize in f_dict[capitalize] points to the capitalize function
object instead of the entry in the dictionary. You should call
f_dict['capitalize'] instead.

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