On 6/5/2011 5:31 AM, Alain Ketterlin wrote:
<jyoun...@kc.rr.com>  writes:

f = lambda x, n, acc=[]: f(x[n:], n, acc+[(x[:n])]) if x else acc

f=lambda ... statements are inferior for practical purposes to the equivalent def f statements because the resulting object is missing a useful name attribute and a docstring. f=lambda is only useful for saving a couple of characters, and the above has many unneeded spaces

f("Hallo Welt", 3)
['Hal', 'lo ', 'Wel', 't']


It doesn't work with a huge list, but looks like it could be handy in certain
circumstances.  I'm trying to understand this code, but am totally lost.

With such dense code, it is a good idea to rewrite the code using some
more familiar (but equivalent) constructions. In that case:

f =<a function that can be called with parameters>  x, n, acc=[]:
       <if>  x<is not empty>
         <result-is>  f(x[n:], n, acc+[(x[:n])])
         <result-is>  acc

Yes, the following is much easier to read:

def f(x, n, acc=[]):
  if x:
    return f(x[n:], n, acc + [x[:n]])
    return acc

And it can be easily translated to:

def f(x,n):
  acc = []
  while x:
    acc.append(x[:n])  # grab first n chars
    x = x[n:]          # before clipping x
  return acc

The repeated rebinding of x is the obvious problem. Returning a list instead of yielding chunks is unnecessary and a problem with large inputs. Solving the latter simplies the code to:

def group(x,n):
  while x:
    yield x[:n]  # grab first n chars
    x = x[n:]    # before clipping x

# ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'k']

Now we can think about slicing chunks out of the sequence by moving the slice index instead of slicing and rebinding the sequence.

def f(x,n):
    for i in range(0,len(x),n):
        yield x[i:i+n]

This is *more* useful that the original f= above and has several *fewer* typed characters, even is not all on one line (and decent editor add the indents automatically):

def f(x,n): for i in range(0,len(x),n): yield x[i:i+n]
f = lambda x, n, acc=[]: f(x[n:], n, acc+[(x[:n])]) if x else acc

Packing tail recursion into one line is bad for both understanding and refactoring. Use better names and a docstring gives

def group(seq, n):
'Yield from seq successive disjoint slices of length n plus the remainder'
  for i in range(0,len(seq), n):
    yield seq[i:i+]

Terry Jan Reedy


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