Hans Mulder wrote:

> If you use curses, you must initialize it by calling curses.initscr(),
> which returns a "WindowObject" representing the konsole window.  To
> put things on the screen, you call methods on this object.  Keep in
> mind that a "window" in curses jargon is just a rectangle inside
> your konsole window

I've learned great things from you. Thank you very much.
The curse window I could realize it immediately that it's a part of console 
screen, in curses module. Usually it's represented as blue box with some 
shadow effect :)
Deleting old writing it's another good point.
Actually, I reduced in a simplier solution with one line report :P. I'll 
look into curses for some better visual effects.
Playing with tabs (vertical and horizontal) I think it won't be a reliable 
method, unless when the position it would stick to the upper left corner of
 the console.

goto /dev/null

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