I'm thinking that with a decent dynamics engine (PyODE?) you could  
write a reasonably realistic simulator to test this sort of code on.  
Obviously it won't be as good as actually you know, driving a Jeep  
around by wire, but it'd be a tad cheaper and more time efficient for  
anyone interested in this sort of thing. There the time involved in  
actually writing a simulator which you can experiment on your DBW  
code on though. You could probably get one going within a year though  
I imagine. Unfortunately from what i've seen of it, the Open Dynamics  
Engine is less than accurate under some situations. Unfortunately I  
believe all the really awesome ones cost huge amounts of money. Just  
a thought. I don't have any actual experience with DBW stuff :P

On 4 Jun 2005, at 21:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Folks,
> In a previous post[*] we made an announcement about the release of the
> drive-by-wire code for our entry in the DARPA Grand Challenge. We will
> do more in the future (including more data and more code). With  
> regards
> to our building the full autonomous code, things are going along well.
> However, the somewhat large traffic on our web site had us thinking:
> Provided we give a good HOW-TO/API, would there be any interest from
> anybody to try their code on our vehicle as long as it is in Python  
> and
> safe to run ?
> Many people think of way to deal with the programming side of
> road-following and collision avoidance at 60 mph, but very few have  
> the
> time to build a vehicle that can make these concepts a reality. In
> order to respond to this, I was thinking of a possibility where
> somebody would submit a code, pay $200 and we would try it on a closed
> circuit. Then the programmer would be getting all the data  
> attendant to
> the vehicle driving itself through the course following their  
> programs?
> The pros for us:
> - raise some money for the vehicle
> - identify potentially better algorithms -> identify people we would
> like to associate ourselves with.
> The cons for us:
> - this is time not dedicated to focusing on the race
> - issues with proprietary code/IP
> - issues with safety
> - coordination with many parties
> Right now I am thinking the cons are overwhelming, what do y'all think
> ?
> Igor.
> [*]
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_frm/ 
> thread/5f78e2ecb3e9139d/af28daca5e385af3#af28daca5e385af3
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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