En Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:09:54 -0300, Dun Peal <dunpea...@gmail.com> escribió:

In a stack trace, is it possible to somehow get the arguments with
which each function was called?

So for example, if function `foo` in module `bar` was called with
arguments `(1, [2])` when it raised an exception, then instead of:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "bar.py", line 123, in foo

The stack trace would read:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "bar.py", line 123, in foo(1, [2])

This would save a lot of debugging time!

The cgitb module does exactly that; some third-party modules offer similar functionality, but I don't remember any names.
Despite its name, cgitb works with any script.

Given this test script:

# begin test_traceback.py
import cgitb

spam = []

def a(x, y):
  "This is function a"
  z = x+y
  return b(z)

def b(z, n=3):
  """This is function b.

  Its docstring is longer."""

  if n!=3:

  w = c(foo=z*n)

  return w

def c(foo=0, bar=1):
  "This is function c"
  baz = foo+bar

a(10, 20)
# end test_traceback.py

the output is:

Python 3.2: d:\apps\Python32\python.exe
Tue Jun  7 23:36:36 2011

A problem occurred in a Python script.  Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 D:\TEMP\test_traceback.py in <module>()
   27   baz = foo+bar
   28   spam.somenamethatdoesnotexist(foo+bar)
   29   anotherglobal("thatdoesnotexisteither")
   31 a(10, 20)
a = <function a>

 D:\TEMP\test_traceback.py in a(x=10, y=20)
    7   "This is function a"
    8   z = x+y
    9   return b(z)
global b = <function b>
z = 30

 D:\TEMP\test_traceback.py in b(z=30, n=3)
   18     just(to_consume_space)
   20   w = c(foo=z*n)
   22   return w
w undefined
global c = <function c>
foo undefined
z = 30
n = 3

 D:\TEMP\test_traceback.py in c(foo=90, bar=1)
   26   "This is function c"
   27   baz = foo+bar
   28   spam.somenamethatdoesnotexist(foo+bar)
   29   anotherglobal("thatdoesnotexisteither")
global spam = []
spam.somenamethatdoesnotexist undefined
foo = 90
bar = 1
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'somenamethatdoesnotexist'
   [... exception attributes ...]
   [... original traceback ...]

Gabriel Genellina


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