En Wed, 08 Jun 2011 12:28:56 -0300, Jay Osako <josephos...@gmail.com> escribió:

I have been trying to get PyODBC to work with Python 2.6 (the latest
version it is known to be compatible with) and Django, but have run
into a problem which, according to the information I've got elsewhere,
probably stems from a DLL incompatibility - apparently, [...]

The first of these problems is, of course, tracking down a copy of VC+
+ 2008 Express. While one would think that this would be the simplest
solution, Microsfot themselves no longer provide the installer for
this, and I'm not sure I'd trust most of the other sources claiming to
provide it.

Doesn't http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downloads/#2008-Visual-CPP work for you? I didn't try past the initial download prompt, but it seems to be the right version.

Gabriel Genellina


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