Eric Snow <> writes:

> p.s. Am I missing something or can you really not change the docstring
> of a class? I was thinking about the idea of inheriting class
> docstrings too.

The docstring of an object (whether function or class or module) is the
object's ‘__doc__’ attribute. Access that attribute to get the
docstring; re-bind that attribute to set a different docstring.

So, it's even possible to do what you ask without decorators at all:

    class Foo(object):
        def frob(self):
            """ Frobnicate thyself. """
    class Bar(Foo):
        def frob(self):
        frob.__doc__ = Foo.frob.__doc__

Not very elegant, and involving rather too much repetition; but not

 \     “We are no more free to believe whatever we want about God than |
  `\         we are free to adopt unjustified beliefs about science or |
_o__)              history […].” —Sam Harris, _The End of Faith_, 2004 |
Ben Finney

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