On 06/08/2011 01:09 PM, Cathy James wrote:
I am almost there, but I need a little help:

I would like to

a) print my dogs in the format  index. name: breed as follows:

0. Mimi:Poodle
1.Sunny: Beagle
2. Bunny: German Shepard
I am getting

(0, ('Mimi', 'Poodle')) . Mimi : Poodle instead-what have I done wrong?

b) I would like to append to my list, but my line dogs.dogAppend() is
giving a TypeError:

for i in enumerate (self.dogAppend()):
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable

Any help?


import sys

Not needed in the class definition, move it to the "if __name__..." section.
Actually, it's not needed at all. That part could be rewritten to avoid the need for sys.exit() entirely.

class Dog():
     def __init__(self, name, breed):
         self.name = name
         self.breed = breed

     def dogAppend(self):
         self.dogAppend = []
         return self.dogAppend

1: Think about what you're trying to do here... You seem to want _each_ instance of Dog to hold the whole list. Do you want Dog to be an individual Dog or do you want it to be a list of Dogs? You can't do both in a single class. 2: This won't work to append to your list anyway... each time you call dogAppend() it will clear out any existing list and result in a list of one element, a tuple of (name, breed). You can do exactly the same thing with a single line: return [(self.name, self.breed)]

     def display (self):
         for i in enumerate (self.dogAppend()):
             print (i,".",  self.name, ": " + self.breed)

Misusing enumerate.  Check the docs.
Besides that, there are easier ways to print the contents of a list.

if __name__ == "__main__":
     dogs = Dog(name=input (" Enter Dog Name: "), breed=input ("Enter
Dog Breed: "))
     while not dogs:

else does not belong with while.


Here's one possible replacement.  There are many other approaches as well.
(This leaves the individual dogs as a (name, breed) tuple. It could be modified for other definitions of a dog. -- Exercise left for the reader...) ;-)

class DogKennel:
    def __init__(self):
        self.dogs = []      #  list of dogs

    def addDog(self):
        name = input("Enter dog name:  ")
        if name == "":
            return False
        breed = input("Enter dog breed:  ")
        if breed == "":
            return False
        self.dogs.append((name, breed))   #  Append this dog tuple to the list
        return True

    def display(self):
        i = 1
        for dog in self.dogs:
            print("%d.  %s: %s" % (i, dog[0], dog[1]))
            i += 1;

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dogs = DogKennel()
    while (dogs.addDog()):

     -=- Larry -=-

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