Sérgio Monteiro Basto <sergi...@sapo.pt> writes:

> Nobody wrote:
> >> Exactly the opposite , if python don't know the encoding should not
> >> try decode to ASCII.

Are you advocating that Python should refuse to write characters unless
the encoding is specified? I could sympathise with that, but currently
that's not what Python does; instead it defaults to the ASCII codec.

> > What should it decode to, then?
> UTF-8, as in tty

But when you explicitly redirect to a file, it's *not* going to a TTY.
It's going to a file whose encoding isn't known unless you specify it.

 \     “Reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature |
  `\                            cannot be fooled.” —Richard P. Feynman |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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