In <> virdo 
<> writes:

> My python file is simple print "test". I run it, it works no problem.
> I pipe the output to a file "run > logfile" and that's the error I
> get. This is with Windows Server 2008 (64 bit) using ActivePython
> (64 bit).

Are you using an actual pipe symbol in your command?  Your post title
suggests you are, but your sample command uses the greater-than symbol.

It's always best to include the actual command and the actual output
rather than typing it by hand, specifically to avoid errors like this.

Please repost a transcript of your real session.

John Gordon                   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs              B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
                                -- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"


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