Xah Lee <xah...@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear lisp comrades, it's Friday!
The answers to your question give poor coverage of the possible
responses to your writing. I myself enjoy reading what you write, most
of the time, but become bored and fed up with the way you sometimes seem
unaccountably angry with the rest of the world or with some imaginary
group within it, the "tech fuck geekers" or whatever it is. So I
represent an option that you missed out :-) Anyway, keep it up.

> Dear Xah, your writing is:
>     • Full of bad grammar. River of Hiccups.
>     • Stilted. Chocked under useless structure and logic.
>     • WRONG — Filled with uncouth advices.
>     • Needlessly insulting. You have problems.
>     • Simply stinks. Worthless.
>     • Mediocre. Just like everybody, admit it.
>     • I love it.
>     • Your writing is pro!
>     • you are genius! one of the great expositor, eassyist.
>     • Dude, you are full of shit. I've not seen a crank quite like
> you.
> Vote at: http://xahlee.blogspot.com/2011/06/xahs-writing-is.html.
>  Xah
>  (i code python small time too)

J Burton

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