On 6/10/2011 11:34 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I have a metaclass in Python 3.1:

class MC1(type):
     def get_mro(bases):
         print('get_mro called')
         return type('K', bases, {}).__mro__[1:]

The call to type figures out the proper metaclass from bases and forwards the call to that (or to its __new__ method). See Objects/typeobject.c in the source, or read the docs on metaclasses carefully. If the proper metaclass is MC1, ...

     def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
         mro = None
         docstring = dict.get('__doc__')
         if docstring == 'ham':
             mro = cls.get_mro(bases)

and you unconditionally call get_mro again, to call this again...

             dict['__doc__'] = "spam spam spam"
         # Create the class we want, and return it.
         K = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)
         if mro:
             assert K.__mro__ == (K,) + mro
         return K

you are in an endless loop.

Since uou do not pass dict to get_mro. it passes {} to type and MC1 and the test for docstring fails and the loop is broken and the empty class is discarded after getting its mro.

Terry Jan Reedy


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