Asen Bozhilov <> writes:

> I am beginner in Python. What is interesting for me is that Python
> interpreter treats in different way dot and square bracket notations.
> I am coming from JavaScript where both notations lead prototype chain
> lookup.

Run, don't walk, to the Python Tutorial. Work through each section, do
the examples, experiement to get an understanding of the examples, and
then continue.


> In Python it seems square bracket and dot notations lead lookup in
> different "store".

That's right. Square bracket syntax accesses an object's items, dot
syntax accesses an object's attributes.

> Anyway, I would like to know more about the lookup for key of dict and
> lookup for property of any object with dot notation. Any materials and
> explanations are highly appreciated.

Work through the tutorial from beginning to end to get a good grounding
in this and other fundamentals.

Welcome to the language, and enjoy your learning!

 \        “Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so |
  `\     why should they care about it?” —Thomas Hesse, Sony BMG, 2006 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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