David Pratt wrote:
> Hi Kent.  Thank you for your reply.  I gave this a go but get the 
> following traceback:
> ...
>     result = validator(name, value)
> TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
> Have put validators in list and iterate over it as in following:
>     validator_list = 
> [isContainedIn,isDate,isDecimal,isEmail,isEmpty,isInteger...
>          more validators....]   
>     results={}
>     for validator in validators_list:
>         result = validator(name, value)
>         if type (result) in StringTypes:
>             # do some stuff...
>     return results

Are you sure you don't have quoted strings in your validator list? That is what 
the error message indicates. Can you post a small complete example of the code 
that fails?

or put
print repr(validator)

before the line that calls validator so you can see exactly what you are trying 
to call.


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