On Fri, 01 Jul 2011 14:28:13 -1000, Werner Thie wrote:

> On 7/1/11 11:15 AM, Alister Ware wrote:
>> The subject probably say is all but to elaborate.
>> I am looking for a way to communicate with a tapi driver for a PBX so I
>> can experiment with creating some CTI (Computer Telephony Integration)
>> software.
> I used TAPI since its inception for quite a few projects, but am not
> aware of anything pythonic. Attempting to cough up an interface layer I
> would resort to using Chris Sells tfx wrapper fro TAPI, which helps a
> lot keeping things in check and becoming overly complex.
> HTH, Werner
> http://books.google.com/books?id=3M_mIvtdGqUC&pg=PA82&lpg=PA82&dq=chris

thanks for taking the time to look
Unfortunately I only have a nodding acquaintance with C & don't want togo 
down that route.
looks like I will have to see if I can work something out using the ctypes 


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